Wednesday, November 3, 2010


We use euphemisms to smooth over the rough edges of life, to make the offensive inoffensive, and to help make the unbearable bearable.

Whether speaking or writing, we humans use language to influence the thinking of one another; but some individuals and groups try to influence—even manipulate and control—our thoughts. In order to avoid being unconsciously manipulated, we must understand how language functions. If we do, we can distinguish actual arguments, information, and reasons from the persuasive techniques that others may use to promote our acceptance of their viewpoints.

We use euphemisms to smooth over the rough edges of life, to make the offensive inoffensive, and to help make the unbearable bearable. Additionally, people sometimes use euphemistic language to make themselves sound more important and to boost their sense of self-worth. For example, a man may say that he is “a sanitation engineer” instead of a “garbage man.” Or a woman may say that she is “a beauty consultant” instead of a “hairdresser.

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